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Glowmind Training Consultancy Pvt. Ltd.
Thottakkattukara P. O., Aluva - 683108
Kerala, India
 Sandeep K. - 9645096760
 Kshama Sandeep - 9048502278

The Truth about Habits

More than 40 percent of the actions people performed each day weren’t actual decisions, but habits. Most of the choices we make each day may feel like the products of well-considered decision making, but they’re not. They’re habits. Habits can be changed, if we understand how they work. The brain converts a sequence of actions into an automatic routine—is known as “chunking,” and it’s at the root of how habits form. There are dozens—if not hundreds—of behavioral chunks that we rely on every day. Habits, scientists say, emerge because the brain is constantly looking for ways to save effort. Left to its own devices, the brain will try to make almost any routine into a habit, because habits allow our minds to ramp down more often. Habits, as much as memory and reason, are at the root of how we behave. We might not remember the experiences that create our habits, but once they are lodged within our brains they influence how we act—often without our realization.

Habits are powerful, but delicate. They can emerge outside our consciousness, or can be deliberately designed. They often occur without our permission, but can be reshaped by fiddling with their parts. They shape our lives far more than we realize—they are so strong, in fact, that they cause our brains to cling to them at the exclusion of all else, including common sense.

This is how new habits are created: by putting together a cue (trigger), a routine, and a reward, and then cultivating a craving that drives the loop.

Cravings are what drive habits. And figuring out how to spark a craving makes creating a new habit easier. It’s as true now as it was almost a century ago. Every night, millions of people scrub their teeth in order to get a tingling feeling; every morning, millions put on their jogging shoes to capture an endorphin rush they’ve learned to crave.

“Champions don’t do extraordinary things, they do ordinary things, but they do them without thinking, too fast for the other team to react. They follow the habits they’ve learned.”

You Can’t Extinguish a Bad Habit, You Can Only Change It.

There are these two young fish swimming along and they happen to meet an older fish swimming the other way, who nods at them and says ‘Morning, boys. How’s the water?. And the two young fish swim on for a bit, and then eventually one of them looks over at the other and goes ‘What the hell is water?’

The water is habits, the unthinking choices and invisible decisions that surround us every day—and which, just by looking at them, become visible again.

Character Vs Reputation

Hollywood/Bollywood makes money by creating movies to make us believe for a split second that we can be Bahubali, Rocky, Captain America, or Alexander the Great. The downside is that we spend time and money to watch that hero instead of being that hero ourselves.What can be imagined can be achieved. The only limits are the ones that we place on ourselves. Whether it was the first automobile, the idea of electricity, or the moon landing, the believer who first imagined the impossible made it possible for others to believe it and achieve it.Remember, you miss 100% of the shots that you don’t take. The first step to achieving the impossible is having the courage to attemptRisk failure for the chance of success.Become a person who keeps your words. It starts with doing the little things, like calling someone back when you say you will or arriving to an appointment on time. Make your word your bond, both to yourself and to others, and you will turn yourself into a person who can be counted“Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.”

A Fish bone Story

Fish bone never wanna hurt me. But it happened. I was attending a training session @ Hotel Presidency, Kochi. The title for the day was “PROBLEM SOLVING”& I got a demo after my half-day’s session. We had a sumptuous buffet lunch &were enjoying the dishes 1-by-1, while chit-chatting with my fellow delegates. My enjoyment didn’t last for long. Just like a Banyan tree falling across a busy road, something got stuck inside my throat in an East-West direction. I knew, “I GOT IT”. Informing my hubby, immediately I rushed to the nearby Specialist Hospital which is just walkable distance from the hotel. I was unattended since the ENT doctor wasn’t available. They advised me to go to Lissie Hospital. Since I was managing alone, seeked the help of Auto drivers to commute to Lissie Hospital. Seems 1 auto driver had fought with his wife & the second one was in the hangover after having lunch. Both weren’t ready to offer a helping hand. Finally a kindhearted auto person rushed me to the causality. From Causality to OP……from ENT Surgeon to Gastroentrologist……from X-ray to Scanning…..from VL Scopy to Endoscopy…….I had to go through a long long process. Finally, “The Great Fishbone” escaped into my stomach, making fun of all who were involved in this process. I went through a bumpy ride for 3 hours. At last, restored the tranquility with a slight pain in my throat.

Problem Solving : I got a difficult problem to solve and could handle it all alone in the best possible way. The half day training really worked. The doctors demanded to have a bystander before doing my endoscopy & my dear sis Dayu rushed in to help me out. Until then could use my problem solving skills to manage the uncertain situation, without creating anxiety to others.
Every process takes its own time : Since it was an emergency situation, I thought the action would be immediate. But took a long process to get it done. However urgent the matter is for us, every process takes its own time. We need to be patient enough.
Gratitude : I am always grateful to the auto driver, Dr. Divya M. Thekkedath, Dr. Thomas James, My dear Dayu, and all those who helped me in my 3 hour journey. Got a jackpot too, an additional Thyroglossal duct cyst measuring 2.9×2.2 cm in my anterior neck. Thankful to the fish bone too for creating a such a drama to identify the above cyst.

Soo……. Much

What if we get something extra? That’s really nice, if it comes as an incentive or a bonus or as a non-tangible gift for the extra efforts or attention we have made.

Yesterday was moved by the attitude of an Auto-Rickshaw driver, while I was struggling to get a conveyance from Metro station back home at 7.30pm. He took me for a drive for Rs.30/- & brought to my attention that he is shot of change. I had only Rs. 100/-&Rs. 20/- as change with me. Due to his warm gesture &his helping mentality, I handed over Rs. 100/- to him & asked him to keep the balance amount with him. To my surprise hereturned the Rs. 100/- note I offered him& said, “I will take money only for the work I do. If you have only Rs. 20/-, I am ok with that.”Hey CANDID FELLOW BEING…..I admire you.

Our world would have been a peaceful place if all of us would have thought alike.

The Magic of being Happy

I was driving with my mom since I had to take her for physiotherapy. While driving my thoughts were wandering about my upcoming training projects, thinking about how to take my business to the next level and of course about the pending receivables too. At regular intervals my mom was asking me regarding her train ticket print-out since she is traveling to Bengaluru this weekend. I was giving her an “Automated Reply” that it will be arranged. In the next 10 minutes she asked me the same question in three different ways but being a seasoned professional my answers were the same. By that time we had almost reached the clinic wherein I understood this place even takes care of specially-abled children. I rang the calling bell once with barely any response. Since my mother’s appointment was up I slowly pushed the front door wherein it opened. I saw a small boy probably 5-6years of age with an attender who was guiding him to write. The boy was crying because he didn’t want to undergo the training. Just one glance at that situation, it rang a thousand bells in my brain. Though we all know about the under privileged in our society I think our memories are short lived.

Sorry guys!!! To cut the big story short an hour later while I was driving back with my mom, I gave undivided attention to her and I was grateful that I could spent time with her. Happiness is a very tricky stuff, it’s there within each one of us, we need to make the choice of being happy each moment. Ooooops!!! Ticket printout is still pending and my mom is traveling tomorrow.

Change your thoughts……. Change your world… Glowmind helps in bringing that change in YOU…


K. Shama…………Yes sir.

Shema…………..Yes please.

Khama……….Yes tell me.

Shama…..Yes…how may I help you.

And the worst I heard was ……..

“Kachama”… gestures went doubtful….is she calling me???

Even then I have answered politely.

I have never heard my name correctly and hence didn’t have any hard feeling when people call me in different ways. When someone calls me KSHAMA, I’m all the more happy too and always remember to thank them for the correct usage.

My name is KSHAMA….the translation of patience in Hindi / Malayalam.

Once while scheduling an interview, our team spelled the interviewer’s name wrongly. We got the below reply email which made us alert on our negligence.

Provide the correct name to candidates. My name is given below in viewable
format. Wrong name is as good as insulting, further shows negligence.
Hope you will take care in future.”

That was the moment I understood…A “NAME” means a lot. We were apologetic for our actions & did the necessary corrections straightaway.

Again my thoughts replayed. Then why didn’t I feel the same when I used to hear the above funny versions of my name???

I could find the reason too.

Am always prepared to hear the worst…

Pin on Emojis

Yes that made the difference. “Being prepared”. If I could implement the same in all my deeds….I swear I will be the best Human being on earth.

Mom….Pl don’t underestimate me

Returning home after my office hours is the most furious hours on a working day.

School bags on the floor…… text books, note books, pouches, pencil box, folders, all scattered on the sofas…..waste papers, teddyz, toys roaming around…….ID cards & Tie on the dining table. I have to practise high jumps & long jumps to enter one or other rooms in our apartment. If some guests drop in, I need to borrow some space (from my children) for them to sit. Cleanliness is part of me & now you know why I get furious.

My hubby is ok with the way it is & always advise me, this is the only time we are seeing our children & hence turn a blind eye when you enter home. I too feel guilty at times for being rude to them.

While relaxing on a holiday, I was seeking the advise of my mother-in-law on how to calm down this situation at home. And to my surprise my 8 yr. old younger one Eva Krishna gave some valuable insights. She said, ” Amma thats very simple. Please see us as your client.”

Hey Genius, thanks for finding me a simple solution for the unresolved problem. Yes….Biggest problems always have simple solutions.

Being in Business we follow the saying “Clients / customers are the King.” Now she is asking me to consider them in a similar way. Yes…moms like me take them for granted & hence our interaction with them is so casual. Be serious Kshama. They are your Kings & Queens.

That one “ANSWER” changed everything.

It was a niche opportunity. In recruitments, working on such positions is like a thrilling adventure.  We recruiters were lucky enough to source the best profile for the same. Then the recruitment process followed….. profile shortlisting….. telephonic interview……F2F interview. The candidate was technically very sound and hence qualified for the final interview with the delivery head. Until then it was a smooth road without any hurdles in between. It’s quite natural that by this time anyone’s confidence level will be at its peak. As usual the common question was asked….

Why you want to leave your current job?

And his answer was…….”It’s a 9 hrs. job”.


The story ends here. Even after frequent follow ups the client didn’t consider him.

Serious things need to be considered seriously.

Even Mosquitos can be stress busters:

It was a Thursday, my fasting day of the week. I normally go to Krishna temple and chant Sahasranams.  Morning, on the way to the temple, I had a terrific fight with my hubby. I reached the temple and started chanting Sahasranams. My anger towards him had no bounds & wasn’t able to chant it in peace. I was worried that am not getting peace of mind even to pray. I still continued praying since I had to rush to my office after this.

Suddenly I could feel the bite of a hungry mosquito on my legs. I tried to fly it away but due to the sweetness of my B+ blood it has started doing many Pradakshins around me as if am a less combative meal for it. I was moving my legs and hands in between so that I won’t get its bite. Whenever I got a chance to smash it I tried that too. Finally I finished chanting Sahasranams & my focus was only on the mosquito that gave me hard time during this 20 minutes.

Ahhhhh……the bloody mosquito got jammed between my palms.

OMG……what have I done?????? In fact, I killed the one who changed my thoughts. Felt really sad for the dead mosquito that could divert my attention. After waiting for few minutes, I got the Prasadam too and there comes the Poojary’s comment…….”Saw you dancing while chanting”.

I broke out in laughter……… thinking…….a mosquito could change my attitude towards my hubby.

THOUGHT PROVOKING…  ……Isn’t it ???